Complementary announcement re the fulfillment of the share capital increase
The BoD of �NTRACOM CONSTRUCTIONS SOCIETE ANONYME TECHNICAL AND STEEL CONSTRUCTIONS�(hereinafter the Company) notifies the shareholders that, as regards the Share Capital Increase via rights issue with the preemptive right in favor of the existing shareholders, which was approved by the Company� Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting dated 23.06.2008, during the exercise period of the rights (12/09/2008 – 26/09/2008) the share capital increase was fulfilled by 83.1% and the total amount of 13,3295,94.30 EUR was paid in, which corresponds to 24,235,626 new common registered shares, while 4,928,124 share were not disposed.
Following the Company� BoD Decision dated 29/09/2008, the above 4,928,124 non disposed shares were disposed as follows: a) 17,134 shares from pre subscription of shares and b) 4,910,990 shares to ALPHA BANK pursuant to the fulfillment guarantee contract, which resulted to the fulfillment by 100% of the Share Capital Increase.
As a result of the above, the Company� share capital increased by EUR 8,749,125, via the issue of 29,163,750 new common registered shares, at par value of EUR 0.30 each, while the premium amounting EUR 7,290,937.50 will be credited to the �hare Premium�account. The total proceeds of the issue amounted to EUR 16,040,062.50.