Press Releases

Press release INTRAKAT Group – First Half FY 2012 financial results under IFRS

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INTRAKAT undersigned contracts for two new projects

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ΙNTRAKAT group – Q1 financial results under IFRS

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Water supply of Heraklion and Agios Nikolaos from the Aposelemis Dam – Reinforcement works in the Aposelemi Dam reservoir from the Lassithi Plateau

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Press Release Financial Results F.Y. 2011 under I.F.R.S.

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Η INTRAKAT υπέγραψε νέα σύμβαση στην Πολωνία για την κατασκευή του Δημαρχιακού Κέντρου στην πόλη Zduńska Wola, συνολικού προϋπολογισμού 4,65 εκ. ευρώ.

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