INTRAKAT – Sponsor of the Exhibition "Olympic Works Panorama"

INTRAKAT is sponsor of the Exhibition “Olympic Works Panorama” which will be held at the Helexpo Exhibition Conference Center, from March 1 until March 3, 2003 under the auspices of the following institutions:

* Ministry of Environment, Regional Planning and Public Works,
* Ministry of Civilization,
* General Secretariat of Athletics,
* General Secretariat of the Olympic Games.

The Exhibition accentuates between others, Olympic Works (New Athletic Facilities, Transportation Works, Road Works, Means of guide-rail Works, Infrastructure Works for Olympic Games), Construction of Large-scale Works (Infrastructure and Development Works, Road, Railway, Harbor, Airports) Environmental Works, Tourist Infrastructure Works, Olympic products and Olympic Sponsors.

Greece comprises the center of international interest due to the organization of the Olympic Games 2004 in Athens. Due to the fact of this event, the Olympic Works Panorama is organized so that all Greek citizens become acquainted with the final form of the works and of all the parties participating in the effort of the Olympic Games realisation.