Announcement on INTRAKAT share capital as per Law 3556/2007
INTRAKAT, according to articles 9, par. 5 and 21 of Law 3556/30.04.2007 and in conjunction with decision 1/434/03.07.2007 of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission Board of Directors, announces to the investing public, that, following:
(a) the completion of the Company’s share capital increase, according to the decision of the shareholders annual general assembly of 23.06.2008, by �.749,125, and
(b) the subsequent commencement of share trading on 13/10/2008 of the resulting 29.163.750 new Common Registered shares,
INTRAKAT� deposited share capital now amounts to �3.331.000 and the total voting rights amount to 77.770.000, corresponding to an equal number of Common Registered shares, of nominal value �,30 each.